Sunday, March 5, 2023

Missing 17-Year-Old Girl Located in Florida, March 5, 1923

Greensboro Girl Is Located in Florida. . . Miss Frances Collie, Who Disappeared Last Week, Has Been Found in Tampa

Greensboro, N.C., March 5—Miss Frances Collie, pretty 17-year-old Greensboro girl, whose mysterious disappearance from her home here last week alarmed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Collie, has been found in Tampa, Fla.

She arrived there Saturday night and was taken in charge by the Travelers Aid, and is being cared for until the father gets there to bring her back to Greensboro. The young girl’s mother said today it was supposed she had gone to Tampa to marry a young man who was until recently a resident of Greensboro but who is now living at Tampa. Miss Collie’s parents opposed the marriage, said Mrs. Collie, and had sought to dissuade her from seeing the young man.

From the front page of The Concord Times, March 5, 1923

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