Thursday, March 16, 2023

Niagara News Compiled by J.V. Snipe, March 16, 1923

Niagara Items

By J.V. Snipe

Mrs. H.E. Skinner, who has been at work in Southern Pines for the past while, is now back in her cozy cottage (The Hazel) on Vermont Ave.

Miss Alice L. Smith spent the weekend on a visit to Miss Nelia Shields of near Carthage.

Mr. L.W. Lovell of Nunda, N.Y., was a visitor at the Magnolia Cottage one day the past week.

Mr. L.M. Smith of Hamlet made a business trip to our village Wednesday.

Dr. Keller of Atlanta, Ga., who is Superintendent of Southeastern territory of the Congregational Church Society of the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida, also Rev. T.P. Ensinger, assistant Superintendent, but who lives at Star, stopped over in our village one day the past week and gave most interesting lecture at the church here.

A Chicken Pie Supper and Ice Cream was served at the church on Wednesday night. There was quite a nice turnout, and everyone enjoyed the occasion. These meetings prove helpful in that the people get better acquainted and good fellowship exists with everyone. A silver offering was taken for the benefit of the church.

From page 14 of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Friday, March 16, 1923

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