Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Vicinity Items, Charlotte, N.C., March 1, 1923

Vicinity Items

Charlotte has had added recently to its Negro business interests a new fully equipped and beautifully appointed drug store, under the management of Dr. and Mrs. L.A. Yancey, in the M.I. Building, So. Brevard St.

The Charlotte district held a very successful mass meeting at Myers chapel church, 24-25.

Dr. S.D. Watkins left for Philadelphia Wednesday night on business.

Mr. William Moore of S. Caldwell St. is still on the sick list. We hope that he will recover.

Bishop L.W. Kyles was in the city this week on business. He preached an excellent sermon at Clinton chapel Sunday morning, also at Little Rock Sunday night.

Rev. H.P. Lankford of Little Rock church and his congregation worshipped with Rev. L.A. Barber and his congregation at Gethsemane last Sunday.

Mrs. Ella Smith will give a musical concert Monday night, March 5, at the First Baptist church.

On last Friday evening Rev. and Mrs. L.C. Thomas of Biddleville entertained in honor of their daughter, Alberee’s 18th birthday. A very delightful evening was spent with her friends. She also received a great number of gifts.

Mrs. Mamie Moore-Withers and little son, Arthur, who have been visiting Mrs. Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Moore, left the city February 17 for her home, Cleveland, Ohio. We wish for her much success. She was accompanied by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lizzie Johnson.

Rev. Geo. P. Watkins and Sabbath School Missionary Lawrence Young of Martinsville, Va., are in the city attending the meeting of the executive committee of the “School of Sunday School Methods,” of the Presbyterian Church, in session at Johnson C. Smith University.

The members of Grace church choir are planning to have a pew rally March 2. An interesting program will be rendered by different talents of the city.

Mrs. Byers of Martin St. passed away Tuesday, Feb. 20, after being confined to her bed for quite a while. She was once a member of Gethsemane church.

Mrs. C.E. Norment, the new president of the W.H. and F.M.S. of Torrence chapel church, held the second meeting Friday night, February 23rd. A neat little sum of $7.72 was raised. Catch the spirit. Torrence chapel has it.

Among the visitors to the Publishing House last week were Bishop G.C. Clement of Louisville, Ky., and Dr. J.W. Martin of Philadelphia.

Rev. L.A. Barber of Gethsemane, accompanied by some of his members, worshipped with Rev. H.P. Lankford and his congregation last Sunday afternoon, February 18th.

The members of Grace church choir gave an entertainment Monday evening, Feb. 19th, in the basement for the benefit of the church.

Mrs. Tressie Ledbetter of N. Myers St., accompanied by Katie lee Ledbetter and Luvenia Douglass, spent the week end in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Earnest Durens, recently connected with the A.M.E. Zion Publication House force, had his finger caught in the press Thursday afternoon and very painfully smashed.

A very delightful evening was spent at the home of Miss Frances Sampson, Monday evening, February 19th, at which time members of class number 7, Little Rock Sunday School were present, accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. W.M. Armstrong of Washington Heights.

From page 8 of the Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., March 1, 1923

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