Monday, April 17, 2023

Twilight Season Basball to Open on Time, April 17, 1923

Twilight Season to Open on Time. . . Baseball Players and Fans Happy at News That Baxter Property Agan Available for Ball Ground

That Twilight League baseball will start on time in Elizabeth City this season seems assured Tuesday when the news spread that W.M. Baxter, who has allowed baseball fans and players for a long period of years to use the Main street ball park without one cent of payment in the way of rent, had again given his permission for such use of the grounds for at least the beginning of the season. This free use of the grounds, Mr. Baxter says, will be continued until such use interferes with his plans to lay off the present ballpark into lots and streets.

Mr. Baxter not only consents to such free use of the grounds, it is stated, but does so freely and gladly, with real pleasure in being able once more to make his contribution to the happiness of Elizabeth City baseball fandom.

Plans are accordingly under way to open the baseball season in Elizabeth City at an early date. It is hoped that by the time Mr. Baxter needs the present park, plans for an adequate baseball park in the Commander property recently acquired by the school board will have been worked out.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Tuesday evening, April 17, 1923

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