Sunday, April 16, 2023

Zebulon Baptist Church Wants Teachers, Missionaries Recalled If They Believe in Evolution, April 16, 1923

Baptists Take Action on Evolution Teachers. . . Resolutions Adopted Favoring Recall of All Missionaries Who Teach It

Zebulon, N.C., April 16—Resolutions requesting the trustees of all Baptist educational institutions of North Carolina to dismiss all members of the faculties and recall all missionaries who believe in or teach the “theory of evolution,” have been passed by the Baptist Church here following the delivery of a sermon on the subject by Dr. C.A. Jenkins, pastor, yesterday.

“Evolution in some form is as old as the race,” Dr. Jenkins told his congregation. “It pulled its first stunt in the Garden of Eden, and the devil was the first evolutionist. Ever since, he has born the name of the beast as serpent, lion or dragon.”

The theory ‘myths of the Bible, turning its most sacred teaching in absurd allegories,” and pictures Christ as “a mere man, destroying His cross and His crown,” he continued.

The resolutions will be sent to the boards of trustees of Baptist educational institutions and the foreign mission board of the church, Richmond, Virginia.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, April 16, 1923.

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