Friday, May 19, 2023

David Jones Dug Up $48,000 in Gold, May 19, 1923

Dug Up $48,000 in Gold

While digging a sawmill pit near Somerset, Ky., David Jones unearthed a pot containing gold pies of old British coinage, estimated by experts to be worth $48,000 in U.S. money.

The treasure, it is believed, was hidden there by robbers who a century ago had a stronghold in the vicinity. Jones, who has been a poor man all his life, has been informed that if no one established a legal claim (word obscured) find within a year it will become his property absolutely.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, May 19, 1923. $48,000 in 1923 is worth approximately $844,463 in 2023.

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