Friday, May 5, 2023

Margaret Russell Install as President of Student Council, May 5, 1923

New Council Begin Duties

The Student Council Installation, which took place Monday evening in Memorial Hall, was one of the most unusual and impressive services ever held. Both the President of the College and the Dean of women, wearing the cap and gown, were on the platform with the old student council, the seniors, member of which also wore cap and gowns. After Miss Zachary, the retiring president, had expressed to the student body her appreciation of her trip to the National Student Government Conference, the new president, Miss Russell, came forward and received the purple gown. Then each officer was separately installed, after which the representatives came forward and were installed by classes.

Dr. Ronthaler, Miss Stipe and Mrs. Rondthaler all expressed their pleasure in the success of the past year and their sincere hope that the year of 1923-’24 would be an equally successful one. The service ended by the singing of the Alma Mater.

The personnel of the new Student Council is as follows:

President—Margaret Russell.

1st Vice-Pres.—Estelle Hooks.

2nd V.P.—Lois Neal.

Secretary—Mary Hill.

Treasurer—Katharine Lotspeich.

Senior Representatives—Lillian Watkins, Marjorie Hunt, Mary Howard Turlington, Jennings Ross, Louise Young.

Junior Representatives—Lois Crowell, Blanche York, Ruth James.

Sophomore Representatives—Ella B. Jones, Evelyn Tucker.

From the front page of The Salemite, Winston-Salem, Saturday, May 5, 1923

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