Thursday, May 18, 2023

Officers for Class of 1923-24 Elected, May 18, 1923

Senior Class Officers Elected for 1923-24. . . Much Earnestness and Dignity Characterize Important Meeting

The Junior Class held a called meeting for the election of officers Monday night May 14, in Dr. Law’s classroom. The president had been elected at a previous meeting. The officers for the incoming year are:

Vice-President—Janet Holoman.

Secretary—Mary Horne.

Treasurer—Janie Britton.

Historian—Tura Thompson.

Poet—Susie Herring.

Prophet—Frances Cherry.

Testator—Dorothy Russell.

Cheer Leader—Frances White.

From page 3 of The Twig, Meredith College newspaper, May 18, 1923

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