Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Police Arrest Carl Fulp and Seize His Brand-New Chevrolet, May 2, 1923

Whiskey and Car Are Taken. . . Carl Fulp of Walkertown, With 80 gallons of Whiskey, Placed in Stokes Jail—Bond Fixed at $1,000

Carl Fulp, a young white man of Walkertown, was arrested at Dillard, Stokes county, Tuesday by Constable Pete A. Wall of Beaver Island township, and a new Chevrolet touring car and 80 gallons of whiskey in the possession of Fulp was seized.

Fulp was given a hearing here before Justice N.A. Martin yesterday, and his bond was fixed at $1,000. He is being held in the county jail. The seized car, which Fulp had just purchased from a Winston-Salem dealer and which he had only made one payment upon, will likely be claimed by the dealer. The whiskey was poured out.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, May 2, 1923

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