Tuesday, June 13, 2023

New Ice Plant Producing 12 Tons Per Day, June 12, 1923

Lindsley Ice Company Now Delivering Ice. . . 12 Tons Per Day Is Being Produced at Local Plant. . . Is Raw Water Ice. . . Have a Large Storage Plant to Store Surplus Supply

The Lindsey Ice company began pulling ice Monday, and are now pulling at a rate of 12 tons a day. This new enterprise for Williamston, has one of the best plants of its size in the country, and are producing ice from unadulterated city water, right from the water mains. This gives them pure water ice, as the Williamston water has been pronounced by every analyzer who has examined our water has pronounced it pure and wholesome, and when ice is made from pure and wholesome water in a sanitary plant such as the Lindsey brothers have erected here, the ice cannot be anything less than pure and wholesome.

The old fashioned ice plants are compelled to use distilled water for making ice, but this new plant just installed and now running, makes harder and purer ice. The new process makes ice that will last about one third longer than the old distilled water ice, according to statistics, which will reduce the ice bills of the people of Williamston and Martin county to that extent.

The Messrs. Lindsey and ice men of experience, being interested in another plant at Norfolk, have began business here to give the people of this county a service similar to the service rendered in Norfolk. They have a large storage room which will store about 50 tons of ice, and will keep this storage room filled to capacity to assure the public that no ice shortage will prevail in Williamston in the future.

With the opening of this up to the minute plant adds one more star to Williamston, and we feel certain the people of the county will patronize them to the extent that will make their venture a complete success from a financial point of view, and we are convinced that they will render a service that will warrant the persistent and expanded patronage of the entire county.

From the front page of the Williamston Enterprise, June 12, 1923. Company called Lindsley in headline and Lindsey in the article.

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