Sunday, June 4, 2023

Railroad Official Declares Waynesville "Dirtiest Town on the Line," So Let's Clean Up, June 11-16, 1923

Another Clean Up Week

At the time a committee from the town called on the officials of the Southern Railway in Asheville, Mr. W.T. Shelton, member of our Board of Aldermen, who was a member of the special committee, took up with the representative of the railway company, the question of beautifying the station grounds in Waynesville. This was promised and when the landscape decorator of the company came to Waynesville to plan the work of improving the company’s property, she was met by members of the town official body, and taken over the principal streets with pride on the part of our representatives. When asked for her opinion of our town, she (for she was a woman) answered, “You have one of the prettiest towns on the whole Southern Railway System, but you also have one of the dirtiest towns on the line of the Southern Railway.”

The town’s representatives wisely did not attempt to start an argument, but did decide to see what could be done towards having the unsightly cans, dirt, etc., removed. To accomplish this end, it was decided to request the co-operation of representatives from the various civic organizations of the town, the Civic League, Community Club, Woman’s Club and Good Fellows Club. Each of these organizations have appointed representatives to assist in this most commendable object, but this committee realizes that the work can only be successfully accomplished by each citizen and residence of the town and suburbs taking their part, even to the extent of “going the extra mile.”

The week of June 11th to 16th has been selected as a period for a proposed “Clean up” by the town and suburbs. This includes the streets, residence grounds, both front and back yards and vacant lots on all property. All rubbish must be piled . . . (words obscured) will be removed by teams furnished by the town. Cannot the committee have the cooperation, support, and help of all the citizens of the town?

Will you do your part?

From the front page of the Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Monday, June 4, 1923

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