Thursday, June 8, 2023

Willie Hill, Will Brinson, Guy Watson in Court Today, June 8, 1923

Heaviest Day of a Very Heavy Week’s Docket Is Scheduled. . .Will Brinson to Go on Trial Before Judge Henry A. Grady This Morning to Answer Charge of Incest—Be Defended by Mr. Wilson H. Lee—Jury Be Asked to Decide Whether or Not Watson Was Responsible for Lovett’s Death

The heaviest day of a week’s heavy docket is the out look for superior court today with two of the most important cases that have come up this term under Judge Henry A. Grady’s jurisdiction, flanked by a number of lesser criminal actions. Will Brinson and Guy Watson are the principals in the headliners. First for trial this morning will be the case against Willie Hill, negro, who was arrested yesterday by a deputy sheriff on a warrant charging him with assault on a female. It was alleged that Hill knocked out three of his victim’s teeth, and after the grand jury had returned a true bill against him the bond was set at $500. Unable to raise it, Hill went to jail.

The most sensational case in many years and as vicious a crime as has been charged in superior court promises to be that against Brinson. He has been in jail since the last term of court when Judge Grady issued a bench warrant for his arrest on a charge of incest in connection with his 14-year-old daughter. In default of $5,000 bail he has since been in jail. Mr. Wilson H. Lee will represent the defendant.

The public is acquainted with the circumstances out of which developed the grand jury indictment of Guy Watson, how Clen Lovett, son of Mr. George Lovett of Hubert was fatally injured when he pitched headlong from the running board of Watson’s car which, without proper lights, crashed into a coupe on Middle street two weeks ago. A Craven jury will be asked today to decide whether Watson was guilty of manslaughter in connection with Lovett’s death or not.

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