Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Alamance County Home Demonstration Corner, Miss Edna Reinhardt, July 19, 1923

Home Demonstration Corner

By Miss Edna Reinhardt, County Home Demonstration Agent

Unless otherwise notified all Demonstration Clubs are requested to conduct their own meetings till September 1st.

Th County Club encampment will begin July 27th and last for one week. Beginning August 5th there will be a week of poultry work.

This leaves only a few days in which to help the 40 girls who are enrolled in the room-beautifying contest. If, however, there is special work that must be attended to, such as the canning or preserving of some fruit, the Home Agent will be glad to visit you.


Alamance county is within easy reach of Raleigh and a large number of farm women and men should take advantage of this fact and attend the Farm Convention, July 30 to August 2.


If you expect to go on the club encampment please notify us at once. Don’t expect to slip in at the last minute.

From page 4 of The Alamance Gleaner, Thursday, July 19, 1923

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