Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Col. Robert Holt Will Be Sorely Missed, Says Harper, July 19, 1923

Col. Robert L. Holt. . . Prest. Harper Pays Deserved Tribute to This Prince of Men and Loyal and Helpful Friend of Elon

Elon College, July 16—I do not know when I have been more shocked in my life than when I heard of the death of col. Robert L. Holt. In his sudden taking away in the prime of manhood and usefulness, this county has sustained an irreparable loss.

Col. Holt was the highest type of business man, clean, courageous, and forward looking. His employees respected and loved him, and those who knew him best valued him most highly.

Elon College in his death has lost a benevolent benefactor and a sympathetic friend. Years ago his liberality to Elon began, and he was never sought for assistance but that ready response was forthcoming. In this present crisis it was he who headed the Alamance County committee as general chairman and who made the first subscription to the Alamance Building Fund. On that stormy night on the 19th of January following our disaster here when a group of interested friends met in the city hall to express their sorrow and sympathy it was he who rose to his feet and in simple language declared he was sorry for Elon, and the was sorry $5,000 worth. From that day to this he has not spared himself to help this college in its crisis.

When the Board of Trustees met to appoint a building committee they had no choice in their judgment but to ask Col. Holt to serve on this committee. He accepted the appointment with readiness and has attended very meeting of the building committee to which he has been summoned. His rare business insight and excellent judgment have been worth many thousands of dollars to the college in the contracts for the new building program.

Elon College has suffered in his death a deep and abiding heart-wound, and personally the writer has lost one of his most valued and sympathetic friends. It will be a long day in Alamance before another arises to take the place of this splendid Christian gentleman who has in the providence of God fallen in life’s battle at the point where it seemed that his splendid life was most useful to his fellow-citizens and the cause of righteousness in our county.

--W.A. Harper

From the front page of The Alamance Gleaner, Thursday, July 19, 1923

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