Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Quiet Fourth of July in Reidsville, 1923

Quiet Fourth Is Observed Here

The unusual quiet Fourth was observed in Reidsville today. Most of the population spent the day at other places. Automobilists “stepped on the gas” and tested some of the recently completed highways; some went to nearby towns and cities, while the biggest numbers joined in the activities at the county playground where a couple of thousand members of the Jr. O.U.A.M. councils and their families enjoyed a basket picnic.

The Juniors participated in a very entertaining program at the playgrounds. Hon. Chas. O. McMichael of Winston-Salem, a former countyman, was the orator of the day, and he delivered perhaps the best speech of his life. Mr. McMichael is a loyal Junior and is always ready to answer for service when called upon by his brother Juniors.

The program today included the presentation of a flag and Bible to the County Playground Association.

There was a feeling among the Juniors today that this county has a mighty good chance to capture the branch orphanage which will be located in this state.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, July 4, 1923

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