Saturday, August 19, 2023

Business Is So Good, Star Bakery Expanding, Aug. 19, 1923

Bakery Enlarges Its Plant Here. . . New Building to be Added to Star Bakery; Work to Begin Soon

The immediate enlargement of the plant of the Star Bakery was announced last night by the proprietor, Mallie J. Paschall. Plans have been drawn for the erection of a one-story brick structure on the corner of Roney and Proctor Sts., connecting with the present plant of the bakery. Building material is now being moved upon the site and the actual work of putting up the building begins Monday week. It is expected that it will be ready for occupancy by October 1st.

The new building will be 22 feet by 80 feet and will be used for the office and shipping room. All of the bread made will be carried to this building to be wrapped preparatory to shipment or sale to local customers. The new building will cost approximately $6,000, it was stated. The old wooden hut that stood on the site to be occupied by the new building has been torn down, removing one of the eye sores of the business districts.

During the past several years the bakery has experienced such a growth on business that present plant does not permit the expansion of the business necessary.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 19, 1923

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