Thursday, August 17, 2023

Married Minister Admits He Kissed 16-Year-Old But Doesn't Think Newspaper Should Have Identified Him as Minister, Aug. 17, 1923

He Sees No Harm in a Preacher Kissing. . . But Rev. Mr. Waldrep Changes His Mind About Making a Statement

Rev. J.L. Waldrep, paster of Christian churches in Currituck County paid the editor of this newspaper a visit this week, and asked for space in which to reply to the letter of H.R. Parkes, published in this newspaper last week.

Space was granted Mr. Waldrep for his reply and he said he would have his reply in the editor’s hands by 1 o’clock p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15. But Pastor Waldrep never came back, nor has the editor or any one else connected with the newspaper seen anything more of his reply.

Mr. Waldrep unblushingly admits that he kissed young Miss Parker under a grape vine, but doesn’t think there was anything wrong in doing that and can’t see to save his life why folks want to make such a stir about a preacher and a married man kissing another man’s 16-year-old daughter, even if the young lady did object to being kissed. He thinks this newspaper was particularly unfair in laying emphasis upon the fact that he is a preacher. He says we might have left the preacher part out.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Aug. 17, 1923

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