Saturday, September 16, 2023

Flogging Cases in Macon, Ga., Sept. 16, 1923

Flogging Cases to be Continued Monday

By the Associated Press

Macon, Ga., Sept. 16—Prosecution of persons accused of being implicated in flogging in Macon will be continued in city court here on Monday, despite the acquittal today by a jury of Dr. C.A. Yarborough, prominent dentist charged with rioting. City Solicitor Roy W. Moore, after the jury had announced its verdict this afternoon, stated that the prosecutions would be continued.

The solicitor said that J.F. Alexander, who is charged with having been one of a band of men who flogged Ollie Perry, probably would be the next accused man to be tried. City Judge Holmes Johnson of Grays will hear the Alexander case, it was announced, Judge Will Gunn, of Macon city court, is distantly related to Alexander and for this reason is disqualified.

Dr. Yarborough, who was identified by four state witnesses in the trial concluded today as one of a band of men who flogged them, still has six charges against him. Each of these will be tried, it was said at the office of the solicitor. Though it is probable that not all will be heard at this term of court.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Sept. 16, 1923

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