Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Happenings in and Around Bennett, N.C., Sept. 6, 1923

Surveying the Creeks. . . Many Happenings of General Interest in and Around Bennett

Relatives and friends of Mrs. D.R. Smith, wife of the late D.R. Smith, met and presented her with a birthday dinner at her home Sunday. Her birthday was on Monday, the third, being the 59th anniversary. There was a large crowd present and all enjoyed the occasion very much. Mrs. Smith received a number of highly prized presents. During the time she was notified to go to the bedside of her brother, Sidney Phillips, who is very sick.

A large crowd from Bennett attended the opening of a series of meetings yesterday at Pleasant Grove Christian church. As usual there was a large crowd present at the church. This meeting always begins the first Sunday in September and folks attend from near and far. Rev. Monroe Caviness is assisting the pastor, Rev. G.R. Underwood.

Cross ties, lumber and cedar business is brightening up now; also the merchants are getting in their fall merchandise. The Standard Oil Co. is beginning to ship in their oil and gas for the new tank and they report they will put in their distributing man and truck this week.

Mr. W.C. Brewer is preparing to run his cotton gin here again this year and it is presumed he will gin and buy a great deal more cotton this year than last. He ginned and bought more than 200 bales last year.

It is time that Bennett should wake up and try to get more enterprises here and help the county advance, also brighten this corner. We lack dwelling houses to accommodate the people who want to move here. We notice the government surveyors are surveying near us now, on the creek which runs in to the river near here, and we hope that things will turn up to the good for us to secure some manufacturing enterprise.

It is very dry in this section and the corn seems to be drying up badly, especially the young corn. John Yow, our local weather prophet, has scared us up by saying that we would have more dry weather yet. Several years ago John predicted a wet weather spell and while on his way home through the flat woods, he came very near drowned by a heavy rain fall from an unusual cloud, and we trust his idea of the weather if this week is not as he predicts.

Mr. W.C. Brewer and E.C. Brewer attended the picnic last Thursday at Greensboro given by the Masons of Fall Creek Lodge No. 285.

Mr. J.R. Peace and family visited their relatives and friends at Thomasville Saturday and Sunday.

We hope that on or before the next election for the county and state officials that the people of Bear Creek township will be permitted to divide the voting precinct. This is a large township, and since the women have begun to vote it is not advisable to have only one precinct. Not only the distance is an inconvenience, but it is tiresome to have to wait so long before one can vote. It is too much of a rush. A great many of the women have already decided to stay away from the polls unless different arrangements are made for the voting. It has been suggested that one voting precinct be established at the Scott Place, known as the old Boaz post office. It is at the turn of the road leading from Chatham road to Fall Creek church. The other voting place would answer every purpose where it is now located at Harpers Cross Roads.

Dr. H.A. Denson happily reports born to Mr. and Mrs. William Oats, a big boy.

Also twin boys to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray.

Rev. J.C. Kidd will baptize the candidates who have united with the Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Creek Bridge near J.E. Jones. He will also preach here that night at 7:30 p.m. If there is no rain this week and the water is not deep enough at the bridge, arrangements may have to be made to have the baptizing at Cheeks Mill.

From page 4 of The Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N.C., Sept. 6, 1923

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