Wednesday, September 20, 2023

State Fisheries Commission Announces Site for New State Hatchery, Sept. 20, 1923

Select Currie’s Lake for Hatchery

Fayetteville—Curries Lake, 10 miles west of Fayetteville, has been chosen by the State Fisheries Commission as the site for the State hatchery to be placed in Eastern North Carolina, according to announcement made by Frank H. Stedman, a member of the commission. The Cumberland county location was adopted at a meeting in Morehead City by unanimous vote of the three members of the commission who were here several weeks ago and surveyed a number of sheets of water.

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 20, 1923. The headline spelled the lake's name as "Currie's" but the article spelled it "Curries."

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