Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Increased Privileges and Opportunities Mean Increased Responsibility, Oct. 17, 1923


What do you do with College Opportunities

The group of students who attend Sunday School on the campus have doubtless had some new and valuable thoughts presented to them for the past two Sundays. These weekly discussions are interesting and practical to student life. When you come to these classes don’t bring the idea that you are to be taught a few things which you think you learned long ago, but come with some question or topic to present for the thoughtful consideration of your friends.

Israel as a nation was wonderfully favored. Her enlightenment in moral and religious affairs gave her the unique opportunity of changing and directing the thoughts and actions of the world. While we are discussing the vices and virtues of that nation, can we not say that the college students of today have a corresponding opportunity to direct the activities of the world?

Around students are placed advantages for mental and spiritual development not found elsewhere. Colleges and universities are the centers of intellectual life. These advantages need not be discussed here, however it should be remembe3red that there are no laws either to enforce thrift or to prevent idleness, but viewing all sides college offers a splendid chance for the making of men and women whose lives will determine the course of the nation.

No one should feel that college is an insurance against failure. The most miserable failures possible are made by people with trained minds. Israel was an informed nation, much was expected of her, she failed and was destroyed. College men and women must remember that their increased privileges and opportunities mean increased responsibilities. Increased possibilities for good also means increased possibilities for evil, unless the activities of the individual are well directed.

From the editorial page of The Guilfordian, Guilford College’s student newspaper, Oct. 17, 1923

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