Friday, November 17, 2023

$50,000 Fire at Gaston Sanatorium, Nov. 17, 1923

$50,000 Fire Occurs in Gaston Sanatorium. . . Spectacular Blaze in Heart of Gastonia Menaces Patients and Nurses

Gastonia, Nov. 16—As a result of a spectacular fire which was discovered at 1:50 this afternoon in the roof of the hospital, the Gaston sanatorium, owned jointly by Drs. Henry Glenn and D.A. garrison, is almost a total loss from fire and water. The loss is estimated at $50,000. Insurance on the building and equipment will total about $10,000, although the exact figure was not available this afternoon.

The fire originated from a defective flue. Most of the furniture and equipment downstairs was saved. That on the second floor, including an elaborate sterilizing outfit, was a total loss. Many of the nurses lost most of their belongings, too.

High praise is according Miss Young, superintendent, and the other nurses for their heroic work in rescuing patients. Some of the nurses stayed upstairs until the last minute and were brought down the ladders by firemen.

The patients, none of whom is in a critical condition, are housed in nearby homes and in the city hospital.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Nov. 17, 1923.

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