Thursday, December 21, 2023

Jere Pearsall, 31, Dies of Blood Poisoning, Dec. 20, 1923

Dunn Business Man Dead of Blood Poisoning

Dunn, Dec. 18-0-Jere Pearsall, 31 years of age, a prominent young business man of Dunn, died this afternoon in a Fayetteville hospital of blood poisoning. The deceased was a son of Major James Pearsall and is survived by his father, wife and two brothers, Robert Pearsall of Raleigh and William Pearsall of Dunn. The funeral will be conducted from the home here tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock and interment will be made in Greenwood cemetery.

Mr. Pearsall was a member of the Dunn Presbyterian church and a model young man.

From the front page of the Harnett County News, Lillington, N.C., Dec. 20, 1923

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