Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Local News From the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Dec. 5, 1923

Local News in Town and County

Born to Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Wellborn of Wilkesboro R.F.D. 2, Monday, a daughter, December 3rd, at the Wilkes Hospital.

Mr. Mortimore Moorehouse visited his uncle on Brushy Mountain Thanksgiving week-end making the trip by auto from Washington.

Miss Thelma Crews, who spent Thursday at her parents’ home, 6th street, returned Saturday to Linwood, where (she is) teaching school.

At the end of the basket ball match game between Ronda and Millers Creek last month, the 23d, the score was 35 to 33 for Millers Creek.

Miss Sallie Jennings, who had been visiting one of her relatives at Williamson, W. Va., returned the 25th, ult, to her home near Pores Knob.

Mrs. Sallie Prevette, who has been in Raleigh for some time with her sons, is spending some time with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. McNeill.

A sale of land by J.J. Hayes is advertised in this issue—Lincoln Height—December 8th. This property is near the new colored school building being erected on the Statesville road.

Messrs. Worth Morrison, William Tate, students at Chapel Hill, and Mr. Turner Poindexter of Elkin, spent the week-end at the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Morrison’s, in Wilkesboro.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hendren and little daughter, the former being superintendent of public instruction of Surry county, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Hendren, B street.

Congressman R.L. Doughton left here on the afternoon train last Friday returning to Washington city for the opening December session of the Congress of the United States, 8th North Carolina district.

Mr. R.N. Thompson, traveling in Tennessee and Kentucky for the Forsythe Furniture Co., will be here this week to see his brother, Jas. H. Thompson, having concluded his sales work for the balance of this year.

What is known as a gift shop was opened in the store house on the corner of the Hampton Horton lot in Wilkesboro where the drug store of Dr. Gray was—last Saturday—by Mrs. K.M. Clay. She will do hemstitching.

Dr. and Mrs. W.R. Wellborn had as guests last week-end at their home on Bridge street, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Rust of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Wellborn, Mr. Ellis Ring and Mr. John W. Reeves of Independence, Va. –Elkin Tribune.

Mr. Irvin McNeill of Wilkesboro, Route 1, who is in his 74th year, and a splendid citizen of high Christian character, and a man that lives close to the teaching of the Bible, was in town last Saturday and says that he finished reading the Bible through last October the ninth time in the past five years.

The East Cario sale near the country high school for the colored people next Saturday is the first for the colored primarily through the land sales last fall for the white numbered several. At the sale next Saturday, advertised on page eight of this week’s Hustler, that property is to be sold. Read the advertisement for hour of sale and other particulars. Another new 5-passenger car, Ford, is elsewhere advertised to be given away.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, December 5, 1923

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