Monday, December 4, 2023

Miss Willie Lee Smith Weds David Jaggers, Dec. 4, 1923

Jaggers-Smith. . . One of Oxford’s Most Popular and Talented Young Women Weds Prominent New Jersey Business Man—At Home, Hillside, New Jersey, After December 10th

By Miss Jeannette Biggs

A wedding beautiful in its simplicity was celebrated at high noon on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie F. Smith, when their oldest daughter, Miss Willie Lee, became the bride of Mr. David Jaggers of Hillside, N.J. the rooms in the home were most attractively decorated with a profusion of yellow and white chrysanthemums, palms and brass and silver candelabra filled with bright candles, which shed a lovely radiance to the attractive scene.

Before the ceremony, Miss Daisy Pearl Smith, sister of the bride, accompanied by Miss Frances Jackson, cousin of the bride, sang most sweetly “O Promise Me.”

The only attendants were the four ushers, Ewing Smith, Frank Smith, William Walters and Frank Leonard of Hillside, N.J.

Little Misses Elizabeth White Smith and Carolina Smith preceded the bride as flower girls, carrying baskets of yellow roses and sweetly attired in white and yellow organdies.

The impressive service was performed by Rev. E.M. Snipes, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Oxford.

The bride was very attractive in a blue brocaded chiffon gown with black satin hat and carrying a shower of orchids and valley lilies. Mrs. Smith, mother of the bride, was robed in black georgette crepe, with corsage of white roses. Miss Daisy Smith was robed in a most becoming blue crystal gown, with gold hat and corsage of gold roses.

The bride is a young woman of charming personality and a very gifted musician and was for a number of years lady principal of Monohan School, Greenville, S.C. The groom is a prominent real estate dealer of Hillside, N.J., where he has a large circle of friends. Immediately following the ceremony, the happy couple left for a bridal tour, after which they will be at home in Hillside, N.J.

The bridal party and out-of-town guests were given a bridal breakfast on Saturday morning by Mrs. W.H. Walters, and the bridal party was entertained on the evening preceding the marriage by Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith, parents of the bride. A large number of handsome and beautiful gifts were received by the popular bride.

The out of town visitors were: Frank Leonard, Stuart Looker, Dick Jaggers, Hillside, New Jersey; Mrs. J.E. Jones, Mrs. Leland Jones, Mrs. Emmett Jones, LaGrange; Mrs. C.G. Harris and family, Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Jones, Goldsboro; Mrs. C.G. Bobbitt, Henderson; Miss Mabel Chapman, Linwood; Mr. and Mrs. D.T. Lunsford, Durham; Mr. and Mrs. E.V. Hoffler, High Point; Miss Emma Cooper, J.M. Lea, Danville; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Walters, Smithfield; Miss Thelma Bailey, Greenville, S.C.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1923

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