Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Robert Dyer Doing Well in Building and Construction in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Dec. 20, 1923

Leaksville Man Making Record

0 Robert H. Dyer, a native of Leaksville, is making good in the building and construction line in the middle west, according to the Fort Wayne, Ind., Journal-Gazette, which carried a full page picture of a 18-story hotel. Mr. Dyer had charge of the construction. The Journal-Gazette says:

“Robert H. Dyer is the construction engineer and building superintendent of the Keenan Company, and has had charge of the construction of the magnificent Hotel Keenan at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. Dyer’s home was originally in Cedar Rapid, Iowa, and he was connected with a Chicago construction company, when he was employed in his present capacity by the Keenan interests. The company gives much credit ot Mr. Dyer’s ability and to his fine efforts for the wonderful spee4d with which the 18-story building has been erected and equipped. Mr. Dyer brought to Fort Wayne mechanics familiar with this type of construction work to make the rapid growth of the building possible.” –Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette.

Robert Dyer is the son of Mr. B.H. Dyer on Boone Road, Leaksville.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Dec. 20, 1923

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