Sunday, December 3, 2023

Waynesville Woman's Club Meets with Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Nov. 22, 1923

The Woman’s Club

Mrs. Frank Ferguson, assisted by Miss Fannie Pearl Campbell and Mrs. A.C. Reynolds delightfully entertained the Woman’s Club at the home of Mrs. Ferguson on Hazel street Thursday, November 22nd.

This was an unusually interesting meeting with 27 members and five guests present. The meeting opened with the singing of the Federation Song and the reading of the Club prayer in concert.

Miss Josephine Thomas and her committee composed of Mrs. Quisenberry and Miss Fannie Pearl Campbell reported that the Woman’s Club float for Armistice Day won a $10 prize.

A rising vote of thanks was given Miss Thomas and her committee. The club voted to contribute $10 to the Children’s Book fund of the Waynesville Library.

Miss Daisy Boyd, chairman of social service, reported a number of garments given to needy children.

Mrs. R.L. Allen, State Chairman of Health, gave an outline of her work, which proved very interesting and helpful.

Miss Hobbs, State Nurse, explained her work in the schools of the county in a very helpful manner. The club voted to cooperate with Miss Hobbs in this splendid work.

The club was glad to welcome Mrs. Mangum as a new member.

The guests of the afternoon were Miss Parker, Miss Perry, Mrs. Grover Davis, Mrs. Massie and Miss Hobbs, and Mrs. Burgin.

The paper of the afternoon, “Southern Literature Looking Backward,” read by Mrs. R.L. Allen, was very interesting.

During the social hour a delicious salad course was served by the hostesses.

Mrs. Clarence Miller Jr. and Miss Robena Miller will be hostesses to the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Miller, December 13th.

From the front page of the Carolina Mountaineer and Waynesville Courier, Monday, Dec. 3, 1923

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