Thursday, January 18, 2024

Dr. Ernest Poate's New Mystery "Behind Closed Doors," Jan. 18, 1924

Dr. Ernest M. Poate Brings Out a New Book

It has been noted that a more than usual number of persons have been grouped in front of Hayes Show Windows during the past few days, and the reasons therefor is the display in the window of Dr. Ernest M. Poate’s new book “Behind Locked Doors.”

Mr. Poate has won a warm place n the hearts of the people of the Sandhills not alone as an author but as a genial companion and neighbor and everybody in the Sandhills lies to read his books.

As soon as his new book was placed on sale at Hayes Store there was a brisk demand for it and well there might be as Dr. Poate is among the leaders in style, in thrill and in mystery. His Dr. Bentiron is as canny in his deductions and scientific reason as Doyle’s best efforts with Sherlock Holmes.

You liked “The Trouble at Pinelands” and you will like “Behind Locked Doors” even better. It is sure to banish all business troubles and worries from your mind from the opening chapter to the last line of the story.

From the front page of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Friday, January 18, 1924

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