Sunday, February 18, 2024

Business and Professional Woman's Club to Have Club House, March 7, 1924

Business Women to Build Home

Fayetteville—With three generous offers of assistance already made, the Business and Professional Woman’s Club of Fayetteville is planning the erection of a club house on the Linden Road north of the city. A site has been offered the club by Mrs. Annie G. King. C.C. Hartman, well known architects of Greensboro, has volunteered to draw the plans for the building free of cost to the club, and E.W. Reinecks of the Reinecke Construction Company this city, will supervise the construction.

From page 2 of the Marshall News-Record, March 7, 1924. Newspaper spelled last name “Reinecks” and “Reinecke” in the same sentence; don’t know which is correct.

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