Friday, February 16, 2024

Mr. Oglesby, Who Developed Pneumonia After His Store Burned, Has Died, Feb. 16, 1924

Mr. Montague Oglesby. . . Harrisburg Merchant Died Last Night After Brief Illness of Pneumonia

Mr. Montague Oglesby, aged 68, a well known merchant of Harrisburg, died at his home there this morning about 1 o’clock, after an illness of several days of pneumonia. Mr. Oglesby was indisposed with a cold last Sunday when his store caught fire and was destroyed. Over exertion during the fire is said to have aggravated his condition and pneumonia developed a few days later.

The deceased moved to Harrisburg about 30 years ago from his home in Virginia and since that time has been a merchant and farmer in that section and Charlotte. He possessed a likeable personality, made friends easily and had an unusually large acquaintance. He was a widower and is survived by a daughter, Mis Eva Oglesby, of the graded school faculty at Lumberton.

The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Harrisburg Presbyterian Church and will be conducted by Rev. T.H. Spence, pastor of Rocky River Church, assisted by Rev. T.W. Smith of Concord. The interment will be held at Harrisburg.

From page 2 of The Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 16, 1924

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