Friday, February 16, 2024

Mrs. Annie S. Rhyne, 78, Loses Life in House Fire, Feb. 16, 1924

Woman Loses Her Life in Statesville Fire. . . Residence Is Destroyed, Other Members of Family Barely Escaping with Their Lives

Statesville, Feb. 15—Mrs. Annie S. Rhyne, aged 78, lost her life at an early hour this morning in a fire which destroyed the home of her son, Frank Rhyne, with whom she lived on West Front street. The charred remains were discovered under a mass of debris in front of an open fireplace. The other members of the family, who were sleeping in other rooms, were barely aroused in time to make their escape, without having opportunity to have any of their household or personal effects.

The fire department responded immediately after the alarm was turned in and arrived in time to save the two adjoining residences from destruction. The one on the west side was badly damaged. How the fire started is a mystery. It is thought a probable that the woman fell in front of the open grate and that her clothing caught on fire, the flames spreading to the house.

Seven children, six sons and one daughter, and one brother, J.H. Setzer of Hickory, survive. The funeral service for Mrs. Rhine will be held Saturday morning at New Sterling church in Shiloh township.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 16, 1924

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