Friday, February 16, 2024

Off-Campus Juniors Host Valentine Tea, Feb. 16, 1924

Off-Campus Juniors Hostesses at Valentine Tea

The living room of the Alice Clewell Memorial Building was the scene of a pretty “Valentine Tea” on Thursday, February 14. The “Off-Campus Juniors” were the hostesses at this charming affair which had been duly announced in Chapel and further advertised by appropriate posters reading “from 5-6.”

The large mantles were strung with red hearts, and a center table, on which were crystal stands bearing red candles, contained the tea service.

Music was furnished by the “Melody Makers,” an orchestra composed of Misses Efird, Parker and Harris, who enlivened the hour by varied instrumental selections, which as occasion required were changed into snappy vocal numbers.

The menu consisted of chicken salad, rolls, tea, and cake, in which was stuck a small red heart, thus carrying out the Valentine idea.

Among those who came to spend so pleasant an hour were Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Breach, Mr. and Mrs. Kutchkinski, Mr. and Mrs. Searight, Dean Shirley, and Mr. Theodore Rondthaler.

A small admission fee of 25 cents was charged, thereby adding a neat sum to the fund for the Junior-Senor “Prom.”

From the front page of the Salemite, student newspaper, Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C., Feb. 16, 1924

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