Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Rock Hill Baptist Church Condemns Dancing, Card Playing, Feb. 14, 1924

Condemn Dancing. . . Committee of Colored Men Warn Youth Against It

The Rock Hill Baptist Church (colored) has adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, it is evident that there are growing tendencies among the young people of our race to indulge in such pastimes as dancing and card playing and many other things that are detrimental to good morals and religious living:

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, By the members and friends of the Rock Hill Baptist Church that we strongly disapprove of these things that are turning our young people from the ways of religious teaching to sin and sorrow,

Resolved Further, that we as a race will not enjoy the progress and happiness that is possible until we shall learn and recognize these great principles:

1. A high regard and respect for religion and good morals.

2. Respect for law and order.

3. Self-control, fellowship, and race pride.

Resolved Further, that our people are urged to give these matters deepest consideration and to assist in every way possible in combating sinful things and influences.

Rev. E.D. Jones

Rev. I.B. Enoch

Rev. T.H. Strayhorn

Bro. George McCauley

Thomas Morphis

Rev. J.W. Jenkins

Rev. L.H. Hackney, D.D.

From the front page of the Chapel Hill Weekly, Feb. 14, 1924

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