Saturday, March 2, 2024

Elwell Overton, 33, Accused of Killing William Ballance, 41, by Throwing Him Overboard, March 2, 1924

Negro Charged with Killing White Man

By the Associated Press

Elizabeth City, N.C., March 1—Elwell Overton, 33 years old, negro, deck hand on the tug Clay Footman, is held in jail here today charged with having thrown William R. Ballance, 41, a white deck hand, overboard from the tug last night.

Balance was drowned and his body has not been recovered today.

Overton, it is charged, attacked balance as the tug was leaving the harbor here last night and, after knocking him against the rail of the boat, pitched him overboard. The river was being dragged today in an effort to recover the body.

Preliminary hearing on the charge is being delayed pending the finding of the body.

From the front page, Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, March 2, 1924

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