Monday, March 4, 2024

Mrs. Wilson's Industrious Hens Delivered 552 Eggs in February, March 4, 1924

Industrious Hens. . .50 Hens Lay 552 Eggs During February

Last February was the coldest month of the season, yet the 50 hens of Mrs. G.C. Wilson, who resides on Oxford Route 2, laid 522 eggs. This was a mixed breed of chickens and some of the eggs were large and as white as the driven snow, while the others were either red or not so large, but taken as a whole they were a very fine lot of eggs. In view of the fact that February had only 29 days, this was a very remarkable record for 50 hens.

From the front page of the Oxford Public Ledger, March 4, 1924

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