Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Federal Government Clearing Channel to Southport, April 3, 1924

Government to Begin Cutting New Channel. . . Government to Expend $300,000 on New Channel Over the Bar and to Southport

Definite official information has been received at Southport to the effect that work on the new channel from the ocean to Southport will being in a short time. it will be recalled that the federal government some time ago made an appropriation of $300,000 to dig a new straight channel over the bar at the mouth of the Cape Fear river.

The work has been delayed because a suitable dredge was not available. The dredge Comstock now working on the bar is of too deep draft to do the initial cutting of the new channel. It is understood that a shallow draft dredge has been secured by the U.S. engineer department, and that the work will be under way in the near future.

The cutting of this new and improved channel is of much interest at this time, as it will add greatly to the usefulness of this excellent harbor.

From the front page of the News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Thursday, April 3, 1924

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