Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Tabor High School Classes Entertained, and Other Tabor News, April 3, 1924

Tabor High School Classes Entertained. . . Reception at Home of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Hughes,; Near Serious Accident; Musical Recital; Much Personal News

Tabor, April 1—Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Lewis and daughter Leona, and Miss Aline Garrell spent Sunday afternoon in Mullins.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Pemberton were in Charlotte Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. Rowland Baldwin and Mrs. Stanley Wall were visitors in Whiteville last Thursday.

Bill Glass of Baltimore was here on business a few days last week.

Lewis Campbell and dogs, of Ocean View, Va., are here, guests of R.C. Harrelson for the remainder of the hunting season.

The following were recent Whiteville visitors: Mesdames R.C. Harrelson, John McGougan, W.S. Pemberton, Betty Wade and W.B. Roberts.

J.L. Lewis, Carl Pridgen, E.L. Green, and J.F. McGougan were in Raleigh Tuesday and Wednesday of last week on business.

Miss Anna Bell Floyd returned to Flora McDonald college Tuesday after having spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. R.C. Floyd.

Dr. and Mrs. L. Baggett went to Wilmington Saturday.

Mrs. Frank Urner returned to her home at Frederick, Md., Tuesday after spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. N. Pridgen.

D.J. Hughes and A. Garrell went to Marion last Monday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Headly Cox of Mount Olive are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Cox.

W.C. Hines and son, Julia, of Florence were in town a few hours last week.

Mrs. Florence Shaw of Bladenboro spent Monday with Mrs. D.J. Hughes.

The trustees of Tabor high school will give a reception in honor of the teachers next Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Kelly.

What came near being a serious accident occurred at the crate factory Thursday at noon when a pully broke, injuring two employees. Duke Grainer suffered two ribs broken and Seymore Soles was slightly injured.

Mrs. Sherwood Callahan and little son, of Bladenboro, were here visiting Mrs. Otto Wright for a while Monday.

On last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Hughes, the senior and junior classes of Tabor high school were tendered a reception by the Woman’s Club. The occasion was an enjoyable one. The attractive home was appropriately decorated with the colors of the graduating class blue and gold, mingling with the pink and white of the class of 1925. Cream and cake, also carrying out the color scheme, was served. Contests for the p rincial feature of the evening’s entertainment. At the end, it was found that Miss Eunice Harrelson had served the highest number of points, receiving a handsome prize for her efforts. At the other end of the score, Prof. Sykes received the low score compensation. Among those present were: Mrs. E.L. Green, Mrs. R.M. Garrell, and from the faculty, Misses Sykes, Parker and Hughes and Messrs. Sykes, Taylor and Barton. Misses Veda Watts, Marie Miller and Gladys Frink and Frazier Williams of the Senior class; Frances Harrelson, Grace Norris, Kathleen Green, Aline Garrell, Virginia Todd, Lottie Stephens, Marie Harrelson, Cecil Spivey, Bernard Peele, William Floyd, William Wall, and Arthur Fowler of the junior class.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Bridger and daughters, Cary Love, Margaret and Julia of Bladenboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Butler Sunday.

Miss DeRotha Hughes and Mrs. O.V. Hicks will give a joint musical and expression recital Friday evening, April 4th, at the school auditorium.

Mr. Carl Butler of Pireway spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Butler.

From the front page of the News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Thursday, April 3, 1924. According to what was printed, W.C. Hines’ son is named Julia. I suppose an “n” was left off the name, and it was supposed to be “Julian.”

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