Sunday, August 18, 2024

Henry Pleasants Visits after 15-Year Absence, Aug. 18, 1924

Friend of By-Gone Days

Mr. Henry A. Pleasants of Richmond spent Friday night last in Weldon, and his friends were glad to see him again. Mr. Pleasants and his mother lived in Weldon about 15 years ago and both made friends while here. He, with a friend, have been taking a vacation tour through the valleys and mountains of Virginia. After visiting many places of interest, Mr. Pleasants said to his friend that he would rather come to Weldon than any other place, so they came on. Some one remarked on the progress made in Richmond. He replied, “Well, Richmond has nothing on Weldon for progress, all things considered.” We are glad to have and retain the good opinion of Weldon’s friends and hope he will come again and stay longer.

From the front page of the Roanoke News, “A Newspaper for the People,” published in Weldon, N.C., Monday, August 18, 1924

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