Wednesday, August 14, 2024

In Saluda, Today and 30 Years Ago, Aug. 14, 1924


“Saluda is at the head of the steepest railway grade east of the Rocky Mountains,” says a post card from that prosperous city on The Top O’ the World. And likewise the head of the most beautiful motor roads in the United States. Drive over it and see!

Walter Thompson, Cashier of the Bank of Saluda, promised to furnish the News with a column of local chatter every week. We know he is a busy chap but we do want that column, Old Top.

More fine scenic views may be found in a 10 minute’s walk from the Saluda post-office than anywhere else in the Land of the Sky. Judd’s Peak and Ward’s View are among the easily accessible points offering splendid views for pedestrians.

Copian Orchard, owned by Miss Tocoa Sanders and managed by Mr. C.E. Sanders, is another Saluda show place. The heavy crop of splendid apples is just getting ripe and visitors are always shown a courteous reception.

Sheriff “Fate” Thompson isn’t generally thought of as a farmer. However that astute official is the proud possessor of a dandy apple orchard containing 1,500 bearing trees, near Saluda.

H.L. and Fred D. Arledge have one of the finest young orchards in Polk County with some 1,600 trees bearing Stark’s Delicious, Staymen Winesaps, and Rome Beauties.

Reverend Elzie Myers, J.M. De Loarch, E.W. Barber, P.H. Bailey are among the owners of prosperous well managed apple orchards.

H.T. Howard, who conducts a dairy farm, furnish milk and butter to Saluda people and institutions, is the proud possessor of one of the finest herds in Western North Carolina. Twenty-five registered Holsteins and Jerseys work overtime for this genial and hustling dairy man.

Saluda’s Better Baby Camp, managed by Miss Sarah Smith, is an institution about which little has been said. Miss Smith gathers sickly children from the mill villages of the Carolina manufacturing centers and cares for them in her camp until they have recovered their health. Her work, while known far and wide, has somehow escaped the publicity which much unselfish generosity deserves.

Thirty years ago this week Dr. William Weston of Columbia led german (?) given by the Saluda Club. The dancers were Miss Janie Holmes, Miss Callie Simmons, Miss Mary Shand, Miss Annie Weston, Miss Shorter, Miss Elizabeth Bardin, Miss Isabelle Robinson, Miss Whaley, Lecont Davis, Thos. Moorman, Tom Blake, Mike Whaley, Norwood Hastie, Wm. Moore, Legare Inlesby, Mr. Calhoun, R.L. Clancy, Geddings Jewett, Harry Davis, Robt. McCowell, Parker Holmes and Mr. Sulzbacker. The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Seabrook, Col. and Mrs. Young, Mrs. Jos. J. Reynolds, ?? Jones, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Rodman, Mrs. Clancy and Mrs. Shorter.

Thirty years isn’t a long time, just look back and see the difference it makes. How many residents of Saluda ?? those who attended!

From page 6 of the Polk County News, Aug. 14, 1924. This article and an ad for the auction with photographs are on

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