Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jno. M. Barrett, 62, Died Aug. 3, 1924

Jno. M. Barrett Dead

Jno. M. Barrett, prosperous farmer and mail carrier on R.F.D. route No. 1, Carthage, and one of Moore county’s most prominent and respected citizens died at the age of 62 years Sunday night, August 3rd; death resulting from apoplexy which occurred July 4th. He had been in declining health for several months but until he was stricken last month, he had efficiently performed his duties as carrier in addition to actively attending to his other affairs.

Well informed in history and current events, Mr. Barrett was intensely interested in all public questions, and possessing a profound honesty, courage of his convictions, and the gift of clear and forceful expression, he has been prominent in county affairs for more than 40 years. For 24 years he was connected with the postal service and was first R.F.D. carrier to serve the patrons of Carthage post office.

He will be greatly missed not only by his immediate relatives and friends but by the people of the county as a whole.

In early manhood Mr. Barrett married Miss Ida Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Kennedy of Carthage. Mrs. Barrett died little more than a year ago.

Mr. Barrett leaves the following children: Mrs. E.C. Fry, Mrs. Fulton Stutts, Mrs. Henry Hill, Misses Mary and Ida Mae, Messrs. Fred, John, Harold and Clement, all of Carthage, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Bertha Salmon of Durham; J.S. Barrett of Carthage; and Rev. W.C. Barrett of Gastonia.

the funeral service was conducted by Rev. J.O. Fulbright of Gastonia assisted by the pastors of the local churches, and burial was made in Cross Hill cemetery where Masonic and Junior Order services were held. The numbers of sorrowing friends who followed the flower-covered casket to the last resting place attested to the love and respect his neighbors held for him.

The pall bearers were: Active—Dr. A. McN. Blue, W.H. Currie, R.G. Wallace, Abbie Yow, N.T. Blue, H.L. Graves, J.T. Salmon, T.N. Fields, Alonzo Blue and J.E. Muse; Honorary—Carlos McLeod, S.M. Jones, F.R. Womack, M.G. Dalrymple, W.W. Harris, L.C. Wallace, S.H. Miller, J.S. Womble and Milton Brewer.

From page 2 of the Pilot, Vass, N.C., Friday, Aug. 15, 1924

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