Monday, August 19, 2024

Miss Daisy Caldwell Is New Home Demonstration Agent, Aug. 22, 1924

Miss Daisy Caldwell Succeeds Miss Kathleen Wilson as Franklin County Home Demonstration Agent

Miss Daisy Caldwell, who succeeds Miss Wilson as Home Demonstration Agent, comes to the county highly recommended. She is a graduate of the State Agricultural College, Auburn, Ala. the University of Alabama, and The School of Applied Arts, Chicago. For the past seven years she has been demonstration agent in Alabama and Mississippi.

Miss Susie V. Powell, former State Agent of Mississippi, says: “You will be most fortunate to secure Miss Caldwell. Her work has been most satisfactory, and I regret her determination to leave the State. She is an unusually strong agent.”

Let’s give her a hearty welcome into Franklin county and the strongest support.

From the front page of the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, August 22, 1924

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