Monday, August 12, 2024

Taylor Boy Seriously Hurt Working in Tobacco Field, Aug. 12, 1924

Young Son of Mr. W.L. Taylor Seriously Hurt

Gomer G. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Taylor, was run over by a stalk cutter this morning and badly cut. The greater portion of the flesh was cut off the back of his left arm, the cut going all the way to the bone. There was another bad cut under his right arm and his legs and feet were also severely cut.

The boy was cutting tobacco stalks when the cutter struck a stump and threw him in front of the machine which must have run entirely over him.

Notwithstanding the seriousness and the painfulness of the cuts, the little fellow stood up well under the strain and walked several hundred yards before his father was able to reach him. It is hoped by attending physicians that he will not be permanently injured.

From the front page of The Williamston Enterprise, Martin County, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1924

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