Tuesday, October 15, 2024

News from Cove Creek, October 16, 1924

County News

Cove Creek

Plans for the community fair at the Cove Creek High School on next Saturday are complete and the indications are that it will be a success in every way. The program of the day appears elsewhere in this issue.

S.F. Horton attended in Western District Teachers’ Meeting in Asheville on Friday and Saturday. He reports a very enthusiastic and helpful meeting and expresses the hope that a great many teachers from Watauga will take advantage of a similar meeting to be held in Winston-Salem Oct. 24-25.

Cove Creek crossed bats with Mabel in a second game on Friday. The game was played on the local ground and resulted in a score of 7-6 in favor of Mabel.

Mr. J.S. McBride continues very low from his recent operations. His friends earnestly hope a change for the better and return to health.

The Wilson brothers have just finished the painting of the new school building. It presents a greatly improved appearance.

From the front page of The Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Oct. 16, 1924


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