Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Local and Personal Items in Cherokee Scout, Nov. 21, 1924

Local and Personal

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody have returned from their wedding trip and are at home on Peachtree St.

Mr. Cecil Grice spent the week-end in Andrews.

Mr. and Mrs. William Butt and children have been visiting Mrs. Butt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Fain.

Mrs. J.O. McCurdy remains the guest of her daughter in Augusta.

Miss Florence Lovingood, Mrs. Chas. Stedman and Mr. L.C. Michell will spend Thanksgiving in Hot Springs, N.C.

Miss Elizabeth Ford, who is attending Cullowhee Noral School, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. John Hastings.

Mrs. Allie Bell had the misinformation of falling and severing a vein in her foot last Friday.

Mrs. Giles Cover and little daughter, Eleanor, of Andrews, visited home folks last week.

Prof and Mrs. J.D. Watts are at home to their friends at the residence of Mrs. A.M. Brittain in East Murphy.

An interesting meeting of last week was the meeting of the Woman’s Club at the Library Wednesday afternoon.

After a pleasant visit with her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Wilcox has returned to her home in Washington, D.C.

Mr. A.S. Clark of Copperhill spent he week-end with his family at the Dickey Hotel.

Mr. A.C. Richmond has returned from a trip to the eastern markets.

Mr. Mark King, a prominent business man of Copperhill, was in town last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Dickey and H.C. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. O.K. Lyle and Mrs. Jessie Wofford motored from Copperhill Sunday and had dinner at the Dickey Hotel.

Mrs. Thalma Jackson was in town Saturday. Mrs. Jackson is the efficient postmistress at Marble.

Miss Ella McCombs, who is teaching in the Andrews High School, spent the week-end at home.

The Ladies of Circle No. 4 of the Methodist Missionary Society will sell candies, cakes and chicken salad on Saturday afternoon, November 22, at their window in the Brittain Hardware Store. Welcome all.

Mr. Mark Carringer has been suffering with an infected foot.

Mr. and Mrs. O’Kelly Myers and children and Mr. James Ferguson enjoyed an outing Sunday at the Mission farm.

Mrs. Jno. E. Posey is recovering from a severe attack of pleurisy.

Mrs. R.E. Barclay of Copperhill will arrive today for a visit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Thompson.

Last Tuesday evening at her home in East Murphy, Miss Nannie Dickson complimented Mrs. J.W. Watts with a shower and bridge party. At the conclusion of the game and the presentation of the gifts, delicious refreshments, consisting of a salad and ice course, were served. Those present were: Misses Martha Candler, Elizabeth Brittain, Katheryn Thompson, Lin Albright, Eva Nell Mauney, Mary Smith, Mesdames A.M. Brittain, J.W. Thompson, J.W. Watts, B.Y. Dixon, Messrs. Richards, James Ferguson, J.W. Watts and Ed. Studstill.

Miss Mary Tatham and Mess McGuire have been visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Luther Ellis.

Mr. W.S. Cover of Andrews spent Wednesday in town.

Dr. J.F. Abernathy is remodeling is residence on Church Street.

Mrs. Harry Hastings, who is taking treatment in a hospital in Atlanta, is not improving as her many friends had hoped.

Mrs. Brian Hall is occupying rooms in the Phillips home.

Mrs. Nell Sneed (?) will spend the holidays with her parents in Washington, Ga.

Miss Edith Whitcomb, Mr. John G. Whitcomb, and Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Hue (Hoe?) and little son, of Harlan, Ky., have been guests of Mrs. A.B. Dickey this week.

Mrs. A.J. Martin is visiting home folks.

There will be a box supper at the new school building on Shoal Creek on Thanksgiving night. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the school.

Mr. B.R. Carroll is spending the week-end in Asheville on business.

Mr. H.H. Ellis attended the livestock ?? in Asheville last week. Mrs. Ellis was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rariden at Swannanoa during Mrs. Ellis’ stay in Asheville.

The members of their congregations and a number of their friends in the community “pounded” the Baptist and Methodist ministers the latter part of the week with many articles of food and staple groceries of various kinds.

Miss Elizabeth Ford, a student of the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School, spent the week-end here with relatives.

Misses Kathryn Thompson and Nannie Dickson spent the week-end in Atlanta.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Witherspoon were Hayesville visitors Monday afternoon.

The members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church enjoyed a delightful picnic outing at Cool Springs last Saturday afternoon.

Superintendent J.F. Gaffney of the Southern Railway was here this weekend.

Mr. A.B. Dickey was a business visitor to Douglas, Ga., this week.

From the front page of the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Friday, November 21, 1924

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