Thursday, March 11, 2021

Fourth Grade Students Led Opening Exercises, March 11, 1921

The general exercises of high and elementary school, which takes place in the High School Auditorium every Friday morning, were conducted last week by the upper fourth grade of which Miss Vera Melton is teacher.

At the ringing of the bell the pupils formed in lines according to grades and marched into the high school building, almost filling all the seats in the large auditorium.

Eben Morrow of the fourth grade was master of ceremonies for the occasion and announced the numbers of the program, all of which were quite well carried out by the young members of the grade. Good preparation for the exercises was evident from start to finish.

The program follows:

Song by the entire fourth grade.

Recitation by Harry Johnson.

March, a recitation by five boys and girls.

The Love Nest, vocal duet by O’Nell Carson and Uldrick Bracken.

Recitation by Roy Johnson.

Piano Solo by Beulah Zachary.

Recitation by Madge Whitmire.

Japanese Sandman, a solo in costume, by Helen Sitton.

Recitation by Clarence Allison.

Song by eight boys representing little darkies.

The program ended with the Lord’s prayer in concert by the whole school.

Several visitors were present, and the faculty welcomes visitors to all these Friday morning exercises.

The program next Friday will be conducted by the third grade, Mrs. F.P. Sledge, teacher.

From the front page of The Brevard News, March 11, 1921

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