Saturday, September 4, 2021

After Chasing Wife With Shotgun, George Franklin Sentenced to 18 Months Hard Labor for Assaulting Police, Sept. 4, 1921

Derita Farmer to Serve 18 Months Found guilty in the superior court of assaulting Rural Policeman C.G. Brown and Deputy Sheriff Mack Hunter with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest, George Franklin, a Derita farmer, was sentenced to 18 months at hard labor by Judge Bis Ray Saturday afternoon. Franklin was found not guilty of an assault with intent to kill. The case went to the jury Friday afternoon, the verdict having been returned in 30 minutes.

The charge of assault with a deadly weapon was preferred by Franklin’s wife, who withdrew it later. According to the testimony, Franklin got drunk on “tomato wine” and chased his wife with a shot gun. Officers were summoned to arrest him, and when they arrived Franklin barricaded himself in a small building on his farm and opened fire on them. He was captured only when his ammunition gave out.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, Sept. 4, 1921

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