Sunday, September 12, 2021

Lloyd Pettus Faces Liquor Charges, Sept. 11, 1921

Pettus Faces Liquor Charge. . . Warrant Charging Local Man With Having Whiskey for Sale Issued

A warrant charging the possession of whiskey for the purpose of sale was issued against Lloyd L. Pettus by Magistrate J.W. Cobb Saturday following the seizure of abut 20 gallons of corn whiskey by officers when they raided the home of J.F. Davis, near Lakewood Park on the Dam Road. The allegation is made that the liquor belonged to Pettus.

The warrant had not been served Saturday night but his appearance before Magistrate Cobb Monday at 3:30 o’clock for trial is expected. He is a man of considerable property, and is well known in the city.

The case against Pettus was worked up by Detective T.J. Gribble of the city police, and he was assisted in conducting the raid by Officers McGraw and Fesperman, also of the city police, and Constable Joe Emory. Following the discovery of the whiskey in the Davis home, the officers arrested J.F. Davis, who is 70 or 75 years of age, and his two sons, F.W. and J.C. Davis. They are charged with having more whiskey in their possession than the law allows. They were released under a $500 bond.

When the officers made the raid Saturday morning, they found whiskey hid in several unsuspected places about the home, including a kitchen closet, a fire-place and a hen roost. They reported that the elder Davis and his wife became prostrate.

Although Pettus was not about when the raid was made the officers said they have sufficient evidence to prove that the whiskey belonged to him.

Detective Gribble had been working on the case for several days, and when he carried out his plans Saturday morning, he and his associates were rewarded with the seizure of the whiskey in addition to a considerable assortment of cans and kegs.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, Sept. 11, 1921 -=-

Trial of Davis Is Scheduled Friday

Magistrate J.W. Cobb has continued until Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock the trial of J.F. Davis, aged white man living near Lakewood, on the charge of storing liquor at his home. At his house last Saturday night officers found about 18 gallons of liquor, which, however, was deemed the property of Lloyd L. Pettus of Charlotte.

A warrant was issued for Pettus’ arrest and he was to have been tried Monday before Magistrate Cobb on the charge of having liquor for sale. He did not show up for the trial and it is thought he left the State to avoid arrest.

From The Charlotte News, Sept. 14, 1921

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