Saturday, September 11, 2021

Robert Young Killed When Steam Shovel Touches Electric Wire, Sept. 11, 1921

Robert Young Is Dead As Result of a Shock. . . Operator of Steam Shovel Killed as Result of Crane of Shovel Touching an Electric Wire

Robert Young, operator of one of the steam shovels being used by the R.G. Lassiter company in constructing the Alamance Church Road, was killed as the result of a very peculiar accident yesterday morning about 10 o’clock when the crane of the machine he was operating came in contact with an electric wire alongside the road. The metal machine formed a circuit for the voltage on the wire, which was said to be small, and Young, who was standing on the ground, was knocked unconscious. He was immediately brought to Greensboro but died about the time he reached St. Leo’s hospital, death being due, according to the physicians, to the shock to his heart when the current struck him, Mr. Young having had trouble with his heart for some time.

According to reports reaching the city concerning the accident, Mr. Young was standing on the ground working with some of the machinery of the big shovel when the crane struck the electric wire. Members of the construction force brought him to the city.

Mr. Young had been in the employ of the Lassiter company for a number of years and was known to be an industrious and efficient workman. He was about 30 years of age and is survived by his widow and several children who live in Virgilina, Va. The body was shipped to Virgilina yesterday afternoon on No. 36. the funeral will be held there sometime today.

From the Greensboro Daily News, Sunday, Sept. 11, 1921

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