Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Aeroplane Flights, Stunts, and Athletic Contests by White Students at the Fair, Oct. 6, 1921

Amusements at the Fair. . . Daily Aeroplane Flights—Some Stunt Flying—Athletic Contests by the Schools

By Irvin T. Blanchard

Last week we tried to make it clear that we had done all we could to have clean, wholesome amusements at the Fair this year. This time we wish to call your attention to two of the special features of those amusements. The aeroplane men will be here and give exhibition flights each day. One of them is a native of this State, and the other has been a resident for a long time, so that their name “Carolina Flyers” is really true. Two days one of them stands on the plane in an upright position while it loops the loop. Other things he does flying in the air is: standing on top of the plane on his head, hanging on with one foot or one hand, and even hangs by his teeth onto a leather strap, with his hands and feet dangling through space at the rate of 60 or 70 miles per hour. He also performs several different stunts from the axle of the wheels on the bottom side of the plane. In fact he performs practically all of the stunts that were performed at the Norfolk Fair except jumping from plane to plane and going from the automobile to aeroplane while both are going at a rapid rate. So come and see for yourself how our native Carolina Flyer plays with death.

The pilot for the “stunt flyer” was with the Italian forces as a member of an American Flying Unit during the World War, and brought down several enemy planes, and one or two enemy observation balloons. So if you care to take a flight with him, you can rest assured that you will be going up with an experienced driver.

On Thursday morning at 10:30 there will be an athletic contest open to competition to bona fide students of any white school in Northampton, Hertford and Bertie counties. The list and order of arrangement follows:

50 Yard Dash, Boys

50 Yard Dash, Girls

Hop-step Jump, Boys

Running High Jump, Boys

Thread the Needle, Girls (This event requires two girls. One is seated with an ordinary sewing needle in her hand, while the other stands 40 feet away with the thread. She runs to the seated girl and they thread the needle without touching each other’s hands, and the one with the thread must not put her hand on the needle. Then they both run back to the starting point. Needle and thread will be furnished.)

100 Yard Dash, Boys

Running Broad Jump, Boys

Suit Case Race, Girls (Suit case to contain rain coat and overshoes with umbrella to be fastened by straps to suit case.)

Wheel Barrow Race, Boys (This event requires two boys, one who stands and the other who walks or runs on his hands while his angles are caught under the arms of the other to keep him from falling. Together they run the race.)

Half Mile Relay Race, Boys

The money for each event goes to the individual student winning the same, while to the school shoe students win the highest score of points will be given $10 to be used to promote athletics in that school.

The Roanoke-Chowan Herald, Rich Square, Northampton County, N.C., Thursday, Oct. 6, 1921

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