Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Charlie House Has Died; Peace to His Ashes, Say We, Oct. 6, 1921

CHARLES D. HOUSE. . . Death of a Much Beloved Citizen of Halifax County

Died at his residence in Thelma on Monday, October 3rd, in the 63rd year of his age, Mr. Charles D. House.

Mr. House was stricken with paralysis several months ago and for a while, his friends entertained the hope—being a strong robust man—that he would recover his usual good health. But the past few days he showed signs of failing rapidly.

The whole county mourns the death of Charlie House. In every relation, through a long life in this community, he measured fully up to the standard of a man.

He has left hundreds of friends and never an enemy.

Mr. House possessed in the highest degree the power to discern the difference between right and wrong. And he was always prompt to hold to the right. He ever steered his course through life by the compass of justice, truth and fair dealing.

He leaves to his family and friends as an imperishable heritage, a life in which honesty, truth and just dealing were ever the guiding stars. He leaves a wife and five children.

The funeral took place Wednesday and the interment was at the family burying ground.

Peace to his ashes, say we.

From The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Oct. 6, 1921

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